Welcome To Addie's Portfolio

- About MeHi, I'm Addie (aka - AddieDaBaddie or Addie Astarr).
I create content online mostly based around Doctor Who and Minecraft. I also love other things like; trains, taking photos, and listening to/creating music. I am currently learning Java and trying to perfect my pixel art skills!
pst, if you hover over an image, you can click it :>
- Stuff I'm Currently Work On
Adventures In Time (AIT)Adds the TARDIS from Doctor Who into Fabric 1.20.1. Apparatus Vivi.
AIT ExtrasWhere all the stuff ait doesn't want will go, along with some other things.
- What I Plan To Work On
Addie's Animals ModA Minecraft mod that adds a ton of cute animals / overhauls some of Minecraft's animals!
(fabric 1.20/1.21)Consistencies Fix ModBasically a mod that fixes ALL of Minecraft's inconsistencies (especially with blocks)!
(fabric 1.20/1.21)
- Other Cool Info (I Guess)
Amble LabsWhat is amble labs? Its a team I am apart of who makes (mainly) fun Minecraft Mods!
Idk what to put here so have this goofy image!